Can Eco-friendly products really help us to save our planet?
Yes, eco-friendly products can indeed play a significant role in helping to save our planet. Eco-friendly products are typically made from sustainable materials or resources that have a lower impact on the environment compared to traditional products. For example, they may use renewable resources, biodegradable materials, or recycled content. By choosing eco-friendly products, consumers can reduce the extraction of finite resources and minimize pollution and waste generation.
According to Nasa, The earth’s average temperature has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit and we’re are the reason for this temperature change.
Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution are driven into our oceans. Today, there are possibly 5.25 trillion macro and microplastic pieces floating in the open ocean.
Now the fire is on our doorsteps and we have to make some big changes. Luckily people like Greta Thunberg, Wangari Maathai, David Suzuki, and many other great environmental activists are spreading awareness to save the earth. Business owners like Elon Musk, Youtubers like Mr-Beast, Actors like Leonardo DiCaprio and many more great people are also raising their voices to save the planet.
Play Your Role:

Approximately half of the world’s plastic pollution was made in the last 13 years and it’s not easy to perform big changes immediately but every small change can gradually bring big impacts. If you think how one individual can tackle millions of tons of plastic waste. Remember a single spark can turn into a big fire.
Plant More Trees:

The best way to overcome this disaster is first to minimize the amount of CO2 in the environment and the solution is Trees. A friend of ours plants a tree every year on his birthday and he’s now 27 now imagine if every person plants a tree every year.
You can simply donate 1 dollar for one tree to
Switch To Eco-Friendly Products:

The most effective way to reduce your plastic waste is to try using minimum plastic and non-recycling products. We have created a list of daily products that you can switch to eco-friendly products.
Eco-Friendly Bathroom Products

1) Toilet Papers
So what’s the first thing you do after waking up every morning? go to the toilet. Did you ever realize how much money you’re flushing? Now it’s time to switch to chemical-free toilet paper or toilet paper made from recycled materials.
2) Tooth Brush
According to the dentist, you should change your toothbrush every 3 months and if we calculate, you change around 3 to 4 brushes every year. An average American person consumes over 300 toothbrushes, now think how much plastic waste is produced just by toothbrushes. Here is a list of the best Eco-friendly toothbrushes:
3) Tooth Paste
It’s great if you’re using a non-plastic toothbrush but what about the toothpaste tube? I know it’s cheap and it’s easy to grab toothpaste in a plastic tube but if you want to win the fight against plastic waste small hustle is worth it. Don’t worry here is a list of Eco-friendly toothpaste you can order at your doorsteps:
4) Zero Waste Shaving Kits
Disposable razors are also stacking up the plastic waste but luckily zero waste shaving kits exist. You can get a complete shaving kit made of recycled material in a cardboard box.
5) Shampoo, Conditioner, and Natural Soap Bars
We are surrounded by plastic packing, our every single product comes in a plastic bottle or plastic packing but you have alternates there are so many amazing companies providing you daily use products like Shampoo, Conditioners, and Soaps in the form of bars to reduce the use of plastic.
6) Mouth Wash Tablets & Eco-Friendly Floss
You can swap your mouthwash and floss that comes in a plastic bottle with these amazing eco-friendly mouthwash tablets and bamboo floss that comes in a glass jar:
Make Your Wardrobe Eco-Friendly

1) Make Your Periods Plastic Free
The average women spend around 2,280 days on their period and according to a study they use more than 11,000 tampons or pads in their whole life. You can use these reusable and sustainable tampons and pads, they’re not hundred percent plastic-free but they contain way less plastic than other tampons or pads
2) Go For Eco-Friendly Brands
Nowadays there are so many brands that support the environment and charity, so why not use their products to support them? You’re wondering how you know which brand is eco-friendly. Many clothing and fashion stores support the environment.
- Reformation
- Thought Clothing
- People Tree
- Cuyana
- Amour Vert
- Organic Basics
- Threads 4 Thought
- EcoVibe
- Tentree
- Boden
3) Donate The Unwanted Clothes
Donate your old clothes to those in need Instead of throwing them away. According to research, 95% of worn or torn textiles can be reused, but only 15% get donated or recycled. You can donate your old clothes to these organizations.
Do you know? there are a few stores that give charity from your buying, take a look at these amazing Stores Supporting Charity.
4) Exchange Clothes With a Friend
If your denim jacket got small don’t throw it, give it to a friend and ask for a pair of socks, scarf, sunglasses, etc in exchange. It’s the best way to get second-hand clothes for free.
Eat Environment-Friendly

1) Say No To Water Bottles
70% of plastic waste is Plastic bottles and caps, water bottles are the biggest threat to the environment. Water bottle waste is now becoming so massive you often you can see hundreds of water bottles in any public area nowadays. Say no to water bottles instead consume tap water or carry a stainless steel water bottle every time you go out.
2) Carry Your Reusable Straw
Straws seem lightweight items but wait, every year around 9 million tons of plastic waste finds its way into the ocean. Say no to straws whenever you order any food item that comes with staws use reusable stainless steel or bamboo straws. If you don’t have you can order it from Amazon here are some cheap reusable straws.
3) Take your Container for Left Over Food
Every year, around 63 million tons of food is wasted by restaurants in the US. A few months back some environmentally conscious diners shocked restaurant owners when they brought their own Styrofoam boxes and paper bags for the leftover food instead of wasting the food and plastic box packing. It’s a very effective way to reduce both food and plastic waste. You can carry styrofoam or your high-quality food container every time you go out for dinner. Here are some cheap food containers on Amazon.
Go Eco-Shopping

1) Zero Waste Grocery Shopping
Is it possible to go to zero-waste grocery shopping? Yes, you can. There are so many ways by which you can reduce or even nullify your plastic consumption in your grocery shopping. Here are some:
- Plastic bags are the main culprit, avoid using plastic shopping bags. Carry your shopping bags.
- Don’t shop for frozen foods, most of the frozen food items come in plastic packing. Instead of frozen fish, meat, veggies, etc shop fresh.
- Don’t be greedy on expiry dates, shop short expiry date product first.
- Shop less, by cutting down the number of visits to the market. You reduce the number of things including, fuel consumption, extra expenses, food waste and more.
2) Best Eco-Friendly Stores
We know it’s not that easy to shop plastic-free shopping, nowadays every single product comes in plastic packaging but there are some eco-friendly stores out there where you can go for eco-shopping. These are some amazing store where you can go shop environmental friendly:
- Rareform
- Pela Phone Cases
- Bambu
- Kaffee Form
- Samba Sol
- Elate Beauty
- Conscious Step
3) Use Cloth Diapers
An average baby consumes 4-6 diapers every day. So your baby will use around 4000 to 6000 diapers until the potty training, Do you know every year 7.4 billion diaper waste generates. Cloth diapers are the best alternatives for disposable diapers.
Disposable diapers are way pricier than cloth diapers, you can use cloth diapers after a simple wash and they can save a big amount of money every month.
Travel Environmental Friendly

1) Carry a Stainless Steel Water Bottle
Water bottles are one of the main reasons for plastic waste. Carrying your own water bottles can save your money and also help to reduce the number of plastic bottles waste. There are some cool looking water bottles you can get on Amazon.
2) Explore The City on Cycle / Local Transport
The less you use carbon emission vehicles, the more you contribute to save the planet. If you’re covering a small distance Bicycle is the best way to explore your destination. Public transport is more eco-friendly rather than your own car. You can rent a bicycle easily in any city, even some hotels will provide you a bicycle.
- The Riding Fool in Cumberland, British Columbia
- Hotel Cycle in Onomichi, Japan
- Bike Guest House in Portland, Oregon
- Hotel Domestique in Travelers Rest, South Carolina
3) Join Eco-Friendly Campaigns, and Activities
If you love going to the beach, go for a reason. Join Eco-friendly activities like beach cleaning, plant more trees, make some birdhouses and feeders, turn your backyard into a small garden. There are so many things you can do while traveling.
If your city has a vast amount of travelers you can arrange some of these amazing campaigns for them.
4) Eco-Friendly Airlines
Here is a list of Eco-Friendly Airlines for environmentally conscious travelers:
- Alaska Airlines
- Delta Air Lines
- American Airlines
- Virgin Atlantic
- Etihad
- British Airways