I believe a truly wealthy person is someone who has enough money to work because he wants to, not because he has to. A rich person can walk away from his job at any moment and can still lead the life he wants. With sincere intentions, everyday planning and discipline, you can build an empire. Here are some smart and effective ways to start:
Implement Good Savings Habits
Good outcomes come from applying good habits in your lifestyle. Creating wealth is about getting into the consistent habit of saving. When you’re just starting at a younger age, you may not be able to save a lot, but you’ll save anyway. When starting to save, set a percentage of your income, let’s just say 10% of your income.
Saving just $100 out of every $1000 will put you in the driver’s seat in the future. Hence, when you earn more in the future, you will save more, and eventually, you can increase the percentage of savings slowly from time to time.
Invest some of your income
When you invest your savings that’s when you amplify the act of saving. Keeping your cash in a savings account does not mean you’re investing money that means you’re earning nothing. Putting your money into a well-diversified portfolio of mutual funds, stocks, ETFs, bonds and compounding to take over the long term is called investing. One can argue that the most effective way to build wealth is compounding. Why? The reason is that it’s a powerful building tool to become wealthy because if you earn interest on your money also earn interest.
Having enough cash is important for emergencies, as well as cash does not make you wealthy. When factored with inflation in at, let’s suppose 6%, by holding onto cash, you are losing due to the purchasing power of the dollar going down in terms. If you start saving and investing at a younger age, you’ll gain more time and more money year over year. Let your money work for you and give it the chance to multiply over your lifetime.
Avoid Wasting Your Money on Unnecessary Pleasure
Establishing good saving habits is as important as smart spending habits. It may take some time to apply a smarter spending attitude. Hence, as Warren Buffet once said, “If you buy things which you don’t need, one day you will have to start selling things which you need.” If you don’t have that much cash to cover your expenses, for that reason credit cards have been made to make it much easier to spend money (in other words to waste money which is not even yours) which can quickly lead you to high-interest debt. Therefore, be mindful every time you purchase and avoid/delay gratification until you are capable of covering the cost yourself. When you develop smart saving habits, delaying gratification will become easier as well as a little more pleasurable because you know deep down in your mind that you are saving for that car those concert tickets, or the vacation you have been willing to go on for so long. By applying these smarter spending behaviours, you will no longer compromise your financial security to get something immediately.
Be Intentional and Set Financial Goals
Just like attaining a certain physical fitness level, being intentional, setting goals and taking action all play a vital role in the determination of your success. Whenever you want to make that next purchase, think to yourself before buying: “Is this purchase well to go along with my goals? It won’t hinder the achievement of my goals.” Your mind will simply reply ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer which should make you make your decision easily.
When you take action to secure your financial future and apply all the wealth-building tools that help you grow your money over time only then becoming richer is possible. Long-term financial success is not decided in an afternoon; these are determined by the daily financial choices you make. So to build lasting financial independence start making financial decisions today. More time is on your side to build long-term wealth if you start early.
The choice is yours to make, GOODLUCK!!!